Gadget by The Blog Doctor.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Magical Journey

This neglected blog is being revived now as my interest in iphoneography has become a serious diversion from my usual food photography posted on Cafe Lynnylu My iPhone 5 with its ease of use has replaced my point and shoot used for candid photography. I have not abandoned my Canon 5D Mark 111, however, and will continue using it for food and landscape photography, especially long exposure.

My interest in iphoneography was mild until I attended MacWorldMobile Master Iphoneography workshop a few years ago. There I found I could create artistic images with my iPhone using the many apps that are either free or purchased for a small fee. To further pique my interest and to gain more knowledge in editing my images, I enrolled in Bob Weil's class- Iphoneography with Bob Weil

The image above is a montage of 4 separate images brought together in Superimpose, then taken into  Jazz and Leonardo I call it the Magical Journey as it looks a little other-worldly to me. I love using silhouettes in my montages. Below is another image with the two boys. I plan on taking my two characters on many more journeys.

The Boys Walking on a Moonlit Country Road

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Creative Commons License
Photo-per-Diem by Lynne Daley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.photo-per-diem.blogspot.com.